Vatican press release

On 2010-02-17, in Child Abuse, by Paddy

Tuesday, 16 February 2010 12:58

Press release issued by the Vatican press office following the conclusion of the meeting between the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI and Irish Bishops:

‘On 15 and 16 February 2010, the Holy Father met the Irish Bishops and senior members of the Roman Curia to discuss the serious situation which has emerged in the Church in Ireland.

‘Together they examined the failure of Irish Church authorities for many years to act effectively in dealing with cases involving the sexual abuse of young people by some Irish clergy and religious.

‘All those present recognized that this grave crisis has led to a breakdown in trust in the Church’s leadership and has damaged her witness to the Gospel and its moral teaching.

‘The meeting took place in a spirit of prayer and collegial fraternity, and its frank and open atmosphere provided guidance and support to the Bishops in their efforts to address the situation in their respective Dioceses.

‘On the morning of 15 February, following a brief introduction by the Holy Father, each of the Irish Bishops offered his own observations and suggestions.

‘The Bishops spoke frankly of the sense of pain and anger, betrayal, scandal and shame expressed to them on numerous occasions by those who had been abused.

‘There was a similar sense of outrage reflected by laity, priests and religious in this regard.

‘The Bishops likewise described the support at present being provided by thousands of trained and dedicated lay volunteers at parish level to ensure the safety of children in all Church activities, and stressed that, while there is no doubt that errors of judgement and omissions stand at the heart of the crisis, significant measures have now been taken to ensure the safety of children and young people.

‘They also emphasized their commitment to cooperation with the statutory authorities in Ireland – North and South – and with the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland to guarantee that the Church’s standards, policies and procedures represent best practice in this area.

‘For his part, the Holy Father observed that the sexual abuse of children and young people is not only a heinous crime, but also a grave sin which offends God and wounds the dignity of the human person created in his image.

‘While realizing that the current painful situation will not be resolved quickly, he challenged the Bishops to address the problems of the past with determination and resolve, and to face the present crisis with honesty and courage.

‘He also expressed the hope that the present meeting would help to unify the Bishops and enable them to speak with one voice in identifying concrete steps aimed at bringing healing to those who had been abused, encouraging a renewal of faith in Christ and restoring the Church’s spiritual and moral credibility.

‘The Holy Father also pointed to the more general crisis of faith affecting the Church and he linked that to the lack of respect for the human person and how the weakening of faith has been a significant contributing factor in the phenomenon of the sexual abuse of minors.

‘He stressed the need for a deeper theological reflection on the whole issue, and called for an improved human, spiritual, academic and pastoral preparation both of candidates for the priesthood and religious life and of those already ordained and professed.

‘The Bishops had an opportunity to examine and discuss a draft of the Pastoral Letter of the Holy Father to the Catholics of Ireland.

‘Taking into account the comments of the Irish Bishops, His Holiness will now complete his Letter, which will be issued during the coming season of Lent.

‘The discussions concluded late Tuesday morning, 16 February 2010.

‘As the Bishops return to their Dioceses, the Holy Father has asked that this Lent be set aside as a time for imploring an outpouring of God’s mercy and the Holy Spirit’s gifts of holiness and strength upon the Church in Ireland.’
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29 Responses to “Vatican press release”

  1. christy says:

    Angry, Right on.

    This Cowan is some piece of work isn’t he, how can any leader of a democratic country say he is happy with the guidelines the Catholic Church have put in place for the protection of Irish Children, how did this man attain such high office? For the last 8 decades this Church have demonstrated they cannot unequivocally not be trusted with the protection of Irish children.

    This is all about money with Cowan and his pals in the Church, if there is anyone who thinks that there is something wrong with that statement, think about this, he has already given his pals in the religious congregations 4 deadlines to come up with his further substantial redress for survivors.

    How any Irish parent would entrust the protection of their children to the Catholic Church when you consider their track record over the last 8 decades.
    Surely no parent would mind paying a few coppers more in tax to ensure the safety of their children.


  2. christy says:

    Thanks for your kind words Raymond, you were so right about the medical experiments, every Industrial School engaged in some form of medical experimentation. Remember the drug trials of the European Drug Companies back in the 50’s and 60’s (subsequent Irish Governments have refused to have full and proper investigations into these matters) I am just one survivor/victim but I can say that I had been injected with some form of drug/chemical in the two institutions that I was in.

    I had other things injected into me but we won’t go into that just now. I might come into conflict with the Redress Act.


  3. Hanora Brennan says:

    Angry, perhaps we should seek Legal Advice from Mick Waters seeing as he has registered SOCA Limited at the same address as Lavelle Coleman? The list of Directors makes for interesting reading but not surprising at the underhand devious behaviour of so called ‘caring’ survivors! Papers to be circulated once the ‘sums’ have been worked out. Paddy perhaps you’d be good enough to circulate?
    On the other matter of establishing ourselves, that is being done and we may have some positive results within the next month. However, we have to ensure that what survivors have had to deal with by their own kind, in the past, NEVER happens again to them, going forward. The legal process is a slow one but we’ll get the answers folks!

  4. Raymond says:

    To ALL.
    Christy, Anne…. I hear your pain of feeling abused again and well understand you. I’m sorry these are such crazy times, still.
    Doris…. and everyone else out there: thank you for being here; you are not alone.
    Midday Saturday: have I heard it all? can it actually get worse? Dante’s Inferno appears like a tropical destination in comparison to the situation here.
    U-turns every hour. Archbishop Martin will not make his stand. The Vatican quotes from a Rule book dated 1852. Shame Shame Shame on us all.
    With every new twist, I see greater and stronger parallels with (as referred above) Hitler’s Germany: now, women butchered and maimed for life, in the name of research, practice and teaching, and of course, all dispensed from the high moral ground (symphysiotomies). Are there any specialists on or near this forum, on Hitler’s Germany and Nazism, who could guide us in this battle? who understand what the Lessons of History have been (even if quickly forgotten); the trials in Nuremberg; the tacit support / acceptance / ignorance or whatever it was THEN about the German people during the war; and ultimately the long years of awakening, thawing the permafrost of collective shame and guilt, thanks to the newer generation who revolted against the sin of history which was not THEIR sin…. [[Hell! I hear it ringing in my ears now – the brain washing – “……… Young people of Ireland……… I LO….ve you…..”]].

    You are right Christy: with all the wonderful Creativity shown on the site, you / we are only talking to ourselves. SOMETHING MUST BE DONE, ie setting up legally. There are very sharp minds on (and near) this website; experts who can help. There’s a hundred thousand years of experience in this class (a very BIG class, The Survivors of Abuse). As the last few days have shown again, things can turn up-side-down in the blink of a day. So keep chipping away, in between the banging and blasting.

    To the Bench for some!

    The rest, at the barricades.


  5. Angry says:

    Ratzo shows his friendship with Desmond Connell remains strong. Drennan states that TWENTY FOUR bishops back him to remain in office. Brian Cowen says he`s “happy and impressed with the guidelines the church have in place for the protection of children”. And to continue these injustices, it wont be too long before Eamonn Walshe and Ray Field take up their positions once again as auxilary bishops, as soon that is, as its expediently “decent” to remove Diarmuid Martin.

    Diarmuid Martin has been effectively isolated, and no doubt will receive the ultimate accolade by being “recalled” to Rome and probably be given the position of “secretary” to Bernard Law.?.

    Hopefully by now, ANYBODY talking with, or “negotiating” with these bishops will see the futility of it all, the status quo has been maintained, bishops 10-Survivors 0. It couldn`t be any more plainer. There will be NO restructuring of this hierarchy nor its bishops, as Christy said , THE SO-WHAT SOCIETY will prevail.

    There has been worldwide condemnation of Ratzinger and his co-horts to the Irish Survivors of his marauding predators, protect the GUILTY and let CHILDREN defend for themselves, that appears to be the present position of Rome.

    And before the vatican withers the blinds on Diarmuid Martin , perhaps Diarmuid would consent to leading the march on March the 24th in Dublin.?.

    I feel its time we left the bishops to it, and re-focus on the christian brothers and the nuns, and this “”SUBSTANTIAL FURTHER REDRESS” as outlined by Brian Cowen last June. And a good question to ask is , WHERE IS IT,?. And lets have LEGAL REPRESENTATION in regard to this FURTHER SUBSTANTIAL REDRESS, and not some liquorice allsorts of “group leaders” all talking in different tongues , including the forked one`s, whose grasp exceeds their reach.

  6. Paddy says:

    Robert, I appreciate your very kind comment. Paddy

  7. robert says:

    Paddy Doyle we should all be grateful for this site you have worked your heart out to keep on going.
    It is people like you that are bringing survivors to one place to have their say.

  8. christy says:


    A survivor in the so what state, just imagine it, you are sitting in a room to tell your story, you’ve signed the confidentiality clause sitting facing you across the table are the representatives of the So What Society







    You tell them that


    worked to exhaustion


    no mail from home



    no contact with family



    no education






    raped by the religious



    sexually abused by the nuns



    raped by a priest



    no help and advice



    no birthdays



    no Christmas



    no contact with the outside world



    no life skills


    when you finished laying out you story the mouth piece tells you SO WHAT you weren’t on your own.

    The moral to the SO WHAT STORY is don’t get mad get marching.

    Get legally represented,Get smart get in control.


  9. Andrew says:

    On 15 and 16 February, 2010, the Holy Father met the Irish bishops and senior members of the Roman Curia to discuss the serious situation which has emerged in the church in Ireland. The ‘serious situation’ of two bishops squaring up to each other and taking lumps out of each other. Together they examined the failure of Irish church authorities for many years to act effectively in dealing with cases involving the sexual abuse of young people by some Irish clergy and religious. Keep emphasising the ‘some clergy and some religious’. Avoid at all costs mentioning the fact that the abuse of children by clergy and religious was systemic and endemic in the Church for all of the 20th. century.

    All those present recognised that this grave crisis has led to a breakdown in trust in the church’s leadership and has damaged her witness to the Gospel and its moral teaching. Come on lads, I thought you guys ran Ireland? This lack of control is inexcusable and will be addressed urgently. And Drennan will you get your finger out for Christ’s sake!

    The meeting took place in a spirit of prayer and collegial fraternity, and its frank and open atmosphere provided guidance and support to the bishops in their efforts to address the situation in their respective dioceses. Bishop Drennan’s attempt to leap over the table a grab Diarmuid Martin by the neck was thwarted by robust action by two fellow bishops seated on either side of him. Another Bishop joined in and all three sat on him as he calmed down.

    On the morning of 15 February, following a brief introduction by the Holy Father, each of the Irish bishops offered his own observations and suggestions. Bishop Drennan’s use of foul language aside those who spoke were very forthright and addressed the issue of the Church’s loss of control at the helm in Ireland.

    The bishops spoke frankly of the sense of pain and anger, betrayal, scandal and shame expressed to them on numerous occasions by those who had been abused. Well actually it was Bishop Drennan who spoke frankly of the scandal and shame that surrounds him and he pointedly singled out Diarmuid Martin for his ire. Thankfully though Bishop Drennan was under restraint as three of his fellow bishops were still sitting on him, pinning him to the floor. There was a similar sense of outrage reflected by laity, priests and religious in this regard. Use the phrase ‘sense of outrage’ rather than ‘outrage’ as its much more neutral.

    The bishops likewise described the support at present being provided by thousands of trained and dedicated lay volunteers at parish level to ensure the safety of children in all church activities and stressed that, while there is no doubt that errors of judgment and omissions stand at the heart of the crisis, significant measures have now been taken to ensure the safety of children and young people. Keep it neutral.

    They also emphasised their commitment to co-operation with the statutory authorities in Ireland – North and South – and with the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland to guarantee that the church’s standards, policies and procedures represent best practice in this area. Emphasise the words ‘committment to co-operation’ and don’t allude to the fact that as it stands now the Church is maintaining it’s independence in this regard.

    For his part, the Holy Father observed that the sexual abuse of children and young people is not only a most heinous crime, but also a very grave sin which offends God and wounds the dignity of the human person created in his image.

    While realising that the current painful situation will not be resolved quickly, he challenged the bishops to address the problems of the past with determination and resolve, and to face the present crisis with honesty and courage. It’s very painful for Bishop Drennan at the moment as two more Bishops have added their weight to restrain him. He also expressed the hope that the present meeting would help to unify the bishops and enable them to speak with one voice in identifying concrete steps aimed at bringing healing to those who had been abused, encouraging a renewal of faith in Christ and restoring the church’s spiritual and moral credibility. Some hope of that if the foam exhuding from Bishop Drennan’s mouth is anything to go by!

    The Holy Father also pointed to the more general crisis of faith affecting the church and he linked that to the lack of respect for the human person and how the weakening of faith has been a significant contributing factor in the phenomenon of the sexual abuse of minors. He stressed the need for a deeper theological reflection on the whole issue, and called for an improved human, spiritual, academic and pastoral preparation both of candidates for the priesthood and religious life and of those already ordained and professed.

    The bishops had an opportunity to examine and discuss a draft of the pastoral letter of the Holy Father to the Catholics of Ireland. Taking into account the comments of the Irish bishops, His Holiness will now complete his letter, which will be issued during the coming season of Lent. The discussions concluded late Tuesday morning, 16 February 2010. The Pope’s doctor had to intervene and inject Bishop Drennan with a sleeping draught.

    As the bishops return to their dioceses, the Holy Father has asked that this Lent be set aside as a time for imploring an outpouring of God’s mercy and the Holy Spirit’s gifts of holiness and strength upon the church in Ireland.

  10. Anne says:

    Christy, That is just how we feel. Like we are being abused again and again. They’ve put us through hell and let it go on for many years only for the anti-climax of the Vatican Press release to do nothing but insult us further and deepen our wounds.

    Paddy, I have spoken to other family members/survivors and there is a few people now asking that perhaps you should get involved and represent us. Fast. If not, the fight we’ve fought this long would be worthless and I know that is what they want.
    Please help us Paddy, I know you, Barry and Hanora are doing your best but after that pointless, heartless statement from The “Holy One” I know this is now another Battle-there is nothing left to lose. They have tried their best to zap our energies and our will but for the one’s who are left it is time to Fight now.


  11. dorris lloyd says:

    Paddy. I am new to this. I will be marching with you. I can see the pope is going to do absolutely nothing for us. but to tell us all to find it in our hearts to forgive these people no f……way. They destroyed a lot of children’s lives. I have had to live alone my whole life because of THEM. If the pope could see what we have seen with our eyes He would not want to be us. I would love to shake all your hands. LETS GET MARCHING.

  12. Angry says:

    Studying Ratzo on recent video`s shows him “stiffening up”, could be the aul artur writis, or rheumatism, but he dosen`t look well , and the GRIM REAPER, BERTONE, always hovering in the background, impatiently waiting to take over, with both ears cocked waiting to hear the sound of the GOLDEN TRUMPET “caling” Ratzo to the Pearly Gates.

  13. Angry says:

    Battle lines have been drawn , the junket to Rome has to be the last time survivors are prepared to tolerate these time wasting deployments as the norm for “buying time” by this hierarchy and its minions. Why ANYONE would expect ANYTHING positive from this pope, escapes me.. His hands are tied, he cannot admit criminal liability for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY committed on Irish children, it would open the floodgates to legal action against the vatican on a Global basis. So, why would survivors want to meet him.?. Nothing would, or will be achived by such nonsense.. As for his Lenten and “pastoral” letter, the department of foreign affairs and Michael Martin should BAN it. Why should the vatican be in possession of the “power” to circumvent normal Diplomatic procedure in addressing cizitens of a Democratic Republic to “explain” crimes it stands not only accused of, but proven.?. Would we expect George Dubya Bush to allow a “lenten and pastoral” letter from Osama Bin Laden to be read out in American churches to the effect that “”A WEAKENING OF FAITH”” was responsible for 9/11.?. We need to get real , and get LEGAL MUSCLE to highlight and tackle these issues.

    The State MUST stand united and unified behind survivors in the face of this extreme refusal by the vatican to be held to account, still suffering, it seems from a widespread infection of incurable vagueness when it comes to its own crimes.

    Nothing has come from this embarrassing and fruitless meeting, merely another PR exercise backfiring on them , in Desmond Connell style fashion. The notions required in every systematic topic they broached required enlightment from the perspective of every level of hierarchial failure which led to these continued abuses, we did not get it. The criticism`s they now endure is well deserved and due entirely from the standpoint of their own internal inconsistency within those topics, and worse, the vacillating analogous generalities to include a wider range of non specific and unrelated tosh for a “”renewal”” of faith, while the smokescreen of the “pastoral” letter, did its work in allaying severe analysis of the meeting itself. Both being a dismal failure. This was no step by step process intent on achiving a triumph of finality, but merely a showcase of the remnants of a mediaeval epoch of theologians being the chief sinners in dogmatic finality.

    These distractions must be put in context, let the bishops fight among themselves, let the divise split become widespread, let the Drennan saga drone on , none of this gets US anywhere, the only manner in which we can advance a cause for PROPER JUSTICE and accountability is the obtaining of LEGAL MUSCLE to highlight OUR concerns,the church can deal with its own. And a GOOD START would be Diarmuid Martin standing up publicly and stating, based on his belief, that either DRENNAN GOES OR I GO.?. Its all a question of WHO IS PREPARED TO LEAD.

    And a leading question for us is how do we get rid of these so called “group leaders”. These church lackey`s too, have to go, but not before we ascertain what their true role has been in this nightmare. Who got what, how much, and where is it.

  14. Paddy says:

    I wish I had the answers to your questions. Paddy.

  15. Paddy says:

    I will of course carefully consider any responsibility I’m asked to undertake. It’s important that we all stick together and hold firm as we get close to the date of the march. It’s then the pressure from external forces will start to hit out at us. Have you fear. The Will and the desire to ensure that people who were abused while in institutional care and others who we affected by abuse will not be found wanting.

  16. Anne says:

    I just cannot beleive it. We are shocked at the arrogance and lack of emotion/feelings from the Holy Father. Is this man real??!?!…

    24th March-Outside the Pro-Cathedral- 11.AM..

    See you there everybody..may God give you all the strength to attend.

    Regards, Anne.

  17. christy says:

    Hi Barry,

    We have to get serious because at the moment we are talking amongst ourselves, however good that may be.

    Let’s be honest most of it has been said before in spades. It is now patently obvious that we desperately need legal representation. We need a united voice. I feel abused again by what is not going on at the moment. Government Ministers, politicians, the Attorney General, the President and Brian (further substantial redress) Cowan all doing nothing and protecting the perpetrators of child abuse by their inaction.

    We need you, Paddy Doyle and solicitor to further our cause that is assuming of course that yourself and Paddy accept the responsibility.


  18. christy says:

    Hi Paddy,

    How can anyone who holds the high office of Attorney General do absolutely nothing about all forms of child abuse in 4 horrendous reports, highlighting hundreds of cases of physical, sexual and psychological abuse.

    It is incomprehensible that any democratic country has 4 such reports in it’s possession and done absolutely nothing of a legal, moral or political nature to bring the perpetrators to justice.

    The 4 reports are

    THE FERNS REPORT 10 little girls sexually abused by a priest at the altar

    THE RYAN REPORT known rapists of young boys moved from institution to institution to escape justice.

    THE McCOY REPORT physically and mentally disabled children subjected to all forms of sexual, physical and mental abuse.

    THE MURPHY REPORT Hundreds if not thousands of children abused by priests.
    One using a crucifix to sexually abuse a child.

    Are you so called leaders reading this? 4 of the most shocking reports in the annals of
    Child Abuse and all you saw was a way of lining your own pockets, a curse on your
    house and that of your masters.


  19. Redzer says:


    The Poor Pope, himself,

    He is really in it up to his neck now after all that career building on the back of that project to keep the auld child abuse stuff off the headlines. And lovely fella that he is, shocked to the core and worried about all the damage now to the church. Never a good night’s sleep I bet and those terrible thoughts that must be going on in his head, day and night, about child abuse, just like my little head I suppose. Except my version of it is slightly different as so many a fine irish lad knows.

    What can he do to fix it up. Heaven only knows. Jesus, oh Jesus I implore you, if you are up there know, text us down an answer, your pope needs you.

    Somewhere back in Reality………..
    What, Did I say heaven? Did I pray for a miracle to get me out of that dormitory. No cos I knew no miracles would happen in the priests dormitory. Still the Pope can hope for one all he like, he is a sort of twit really. In fact he needs one. A huge miracle to get his wishes granted.

    It will have to be a big miracle, a really big one for the poor auld pope, to make this horrible stuff go away, this stuff that wrecks your head. This stuff he made go away for his predecessors, twit that he is. Yes pope, you need a HUGE miracle but it is going to have to be the mother of all miracles to get you out of this one. Its going to have to be a lot bigger than moving statues in Knock. Nothing is going to save you POPO except a SUPER-WHOPPER of a miracle. And if you believe in all your own sales talk, then you are doomed. No divine intervention will be needed, you and your are sliding down.

    Pope you be forever branded as the paedophile pope. And you have been so nice and I really want to help you cos I dont like seeing a dog getting a kicking just cos he is down. So who holds the MAGIC KEYS?

    Lets ask ourselves a few little questions…………………..

    Who is it that can save you old pope and your old fancy church with its filthy secret.

    Now lets see who could hold the Magic key to saving your church from the graveyard spiral?

    The Church itself:No didnt Work, great at doing shit and shit at doing great things.

    The State:No turned over on you, through democracy,

    Judiciary: NO, eventually rolled over as well.

    Press: No but maybe in 19 Century was ok.

    Politicians: Running a mile except the odd crony

    News blacksouts: No, cant stop it now. remember Ceau?escu’?

    School brutality: No, word is out. Even RTE shagged you there.

    PJ O’Meara In Prison.

    Payouts and shuts up. No, didnt work, gave em buttons and job far too big.

    Pray to Jesus No not very reliable.

    Singing Priests & Guitars: Tried it before.

    Hook up with Islam : you mean amalgamate fear based franchises-NO
    (works only in 14th century)

    TIME UP POPE……….And do you want to say anything before we press the red button of indifference?………………………

    Pope: ” O Jesus, do something somebody, think of something, help me, anything, i’ll do anything, I mean anything,, i’ll sign anything, we’ll do certs to get into heaven, make you saints, make you immortal, dont throw us out!!!!!!!!!!

    Panel Message

    “Well, well, finally brought to your senses. Have you though at all about your victims, the little ones, the powerless ones, the ones that all the eyes of the worlds rests upon in shame after your wrong doing? Have you thought about right and wrong. Have you thought about what is right for the genuine well intended believers.”

    “Have you thought for a moment that the answer might lie with these victimes of you and what they might desire”

    “You cannot annihilate them all”

    “There is your Magic Key oh HOLY POPE”

    “It is the Victims that have power over your rotten chabal and nobody else and until such time and you and yours can act on their wishes, you are dooomed forever to exist as a vassal and worthless religion despised by all”

    “That is your answer, little pope”.

    “Do what they ask or its the red button”.


    Dialog provided by MOLLY Maguires.

  20. christy says:

    Hi Paddy,

    I hear on the grape vine that John Kelly is instructing people not to go on the march next month!

    Is this because he will not be able to showboat on Molesworth Street?

    It was interesting to watch him and Christine vying for the best photo opportunity at the last march down O’Connell Street!

    Very entertaining but for me and a few others the best show of the day was Hiawatha she was absolutely bang on, all of them on the platform were out played and outwitted by her. She called the lot of them a bunch of f…… traitors. You were so right darlin, so right!


  21. Charles O'Rourke says:

    So we are on the threshold of something new, Its a vague feeling and is not easy to define. Almost as if you feel something is about to happen but can not explain it. I once studied political science and attended a lecture on called “The coming Fall of the Soviet Union” by Johan Galtung at Oslo Town Hall in the autumn 1979. He predicted the fall of the Soviet Empire and listed several criteria which together would inevitably bring the Soviet Union crashing down. In his unassuming way he quietly postulated the laws that lead to the “Fall of Empires”.It was when he was asked when this collapse will happen that the academic public burst out in laughter. In ten years time 1989 he replied and took no notice of the merriment displayed by the public. He missed the mark by four weeks. After that people get nervous when he speaks. Rome has just fulfilled the same criteria for such an event.

  22. bernadette cook says:

    Barry, Nora, keep up the good fight I will be at the march. I was in St Joseph’s, Kilkenny. Too many ruined childhoods and the church has to be held to account before we all die, and are forgotten again! Institutions are set up by people wanting to play God but would God have wanted us to go through all that we as children did and as for survivors living off the backs of survivors well enough they need to be taken to account and stop speaking on our behalf without asking us what we want to put forward we are no longer the silent children we have a mind so let us use it do not try to think or do for us ask us what we the rest of Ireland’s survivors want ,NOW THAT WOULD BE A REFRESHING CHANGE ! and one that is needed .

  23. christy says:



  24. christy says:

    Right on Barry.
    But sadly you have as much chance of getting a reply or a challenge from Christine, Mick, John and Mick as I have of being elected on to one of the phantom committees of the Right to Taxpayers Money Group.

    I would be willing to put myself up at the one of the next AGM’s but trying to find out where and when they have their AGM meetings is like trying to get a straight and honest answer from an Irish Bishop or politician.


  25. dorris lloyd says:

    Barry just come across your letters not many weeks ago found you and others to be the true fighters I was in Clifden, Co. Galway and my brother was in Letterfrack. THEY completly distroyed us. I will certainly be marching behind you all

  26. Angry says:

    As its now plainly obvious, the vatican has no intention of addressing its shortcomings to responsibility and accountability.

    There now arises an urgent need and demand for a nationwide audit, on the lines of the Murphy Report, to expose what steps were taken by bishops in every diocese where complaints of sexual abuse by clerics of those diocese`s were reported.

    If the bishops refuse to do it, then the State must show them the way. Let the State clean out the FILTH which Ratzinger speaks of, and then send him the bill.

  27. Angry says:

    “” VATICAN PRESS RELEASE””,!. I`ve studied better looking boils. Pure humbug.

    In regard to the intransgience of Leanza to appear before the State to assist its efforts in discovering how such widespread clerical sexual terrorism thrived and flourished in the institutions, in the church, in orphanages, in convents, and anywhere else collars were involved, its time the State wiped the egg from it`s face, thrown there by Leanza, and take steps to ensure it never suffers such embarrasment again.

    The Attorney Generals office must now take steps to show and ensure that the Laws of the State cannot be usurped for the purpose of vested interest. Pressure must be aimed at the DPP`s office to expediate any and all investigations ensuing as a direct result of the Murphy Report, The Ryan Report, The Ferns Report, and in retrospect the Mc Coy Report, in itself a chilling and obscene stain depicting crimes of a horrific nature perpetrated on mentally and physically impaired children.

    The pundits in Rome will only sit up and take notice when criminal proceedings are instituted against bishops involved in suppressing and covering up crimes against children.

    The evidence for such prosecutions exist, why is the State prevaricating.?.

    Any politican dipping into State funds this year for their Global St Paddy`s day jamoboree`s around the world, should , as a mark of respect to the thousands of criminally abused children in Irelad, have their shamrock dyed RED.

  28. christy says:









  29. Charles O'Rourke says:

    For his part, the Holy Father has observed that the sexual abuse of children and young people is not only a heinous crime etc etc. Well he has had many years to observe these crimes as he was and is privy to that information as a cardinal. What did he do to put a stop to it?, Did he warn the authorities? No! but he did withhold vital information from the Murphy inquiry. Use the proper channels was the answer. Is this the man who is next to god?. Do we believe this to be so?. What does his boss think of him to day?.