By Conor Ryan, Political Correspondent

Monday, August 24, 2009

THE author of the report on institutional child abuse has said the country will be tested by how it deals with the fallout from the inquiry’s revelations.

Mr Justice Sean Ryan, chairman of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, also said but for the tenacity and courage of the victims, their horrific treatment at the hands of religious orders would never have come to light.

He said the ability of the perpetrators to get away with their crimes reflected wider problems.

“It says a lot about our society, institutions and our systems in the past that these events happened.

“It will also say a lot about our present situation as to how we respond to the disclosure of these events.”

Mr Justice Ryan made his comments when accepting the Humbert Award, which was given to him in recognition of the work the Commission had done.

It was his first public statement since the shocking results of the inquiry were published in May. He said now the report was in the public domain it was up to society at large to ensure it effected the necessary change. “Our work is there to be seen, to be analysed, to be discussed, debated and reflected upon. This is the best report we could make.

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